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Building an extension for my mother-in-law

I love my mother-in-law but I never planned on living with her permanently. I have been enjoying her living with us now that we have kids but I feel like we all need some extra space so I am getting a granny flat built at the back of our block. This should allow us to have some extra space to make sure everyone has the privacy that they need whilst we can still be a family. This block has some tip on the process of building a granny flat including how to choose a contractor and how to get the council approval for the build.


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Building an extension for my mother-in-law

A Guide to Spray Sealing Your Driveway

by Chloe Cooper

If you're looking to give your driveway a facelift, you might be considering spray sealing. It's an effective and inexpensive way to spruce up your property and protect your driveway from the elements. But before you dive in, here's a guide on how to do it right. 

Clean and Prepare the Surface

The thing you need to do is to clean the surface of any dirt or debris that may be present. This will ensure that the sealant sticks properly, so take extra care when prepping the area. Once it's clean, use a pressure washer if possible — this will help remove any stubborn stains or discolouration. Finally, fill any cracks or holes with sand, then compress it with a roller for a smooth finish.

Choose Your Sealant

Once the surface is prepared and dry, it's time to choose your sealant. There are two types of sealants available: coal tar emulsion and asphalt emulsion (or bitumen). Both types of sealants serve different purposes; coal tar emulsion works best on driveways that need protection from water and oil-based materials, while asphalt emulsions work better on driveways exposed to extreme temperatures. Choose the right one for your application before moving forward.

Application of the Spray 

Now comes the fun part — spraying! Before starting, make sure you have all the right safety equipment. Goggles, gloves, and face masks are must-haves when working with sealants. Now it's time to mix your chosen sealant according to manufacturer instructions and pour it into a sprayer tank. Once filled up, start at one end of your driveway and slowly move across in a continuous motion until you reach the other side — don't forget about those edges! Use overlapping strokes for even coverage. Then let it sit for a while so it can cure.


Spray sealing is an effective way to protect and extend the life of your driveway without breaking the bank or taking too much time out of your day. The most important thing is to take extra precautions when preparing the surface as well as choosing the right type of sealant for your application — this will ensure that you get optimal results from your spray sealing project. With these tips in mind, you'll be ready to tackle this DIY job like an expert in no time. If you would like further info and advice, contact a company that offers driveway spraying services today. A contractor will be able to help you.

Reach out to a bitumen spray sealing contractor near you to learn more.
