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Building an extension for my mother-in-law

I love my mother-in-law but I never planned on living with her permanently. I have been enjoying her living with us now that we have kids but I feel like we all need some extra space so I am getting a granny flat built at the back of our block. This should allow us to have some extra space to make sure everyone has the privacy that they need whilst we can still be a family. This block has some tip on the process of building a granny flat including how to choose a contractor and how to get the council approval for the build.


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Building an extension for my mother-in-law


Reasons to Hire a Demolition Service

A home demolition service is your best bet for conducting a safe demolition. However, naysayers and DIY enthusiasts could dispute the need for demolition services. This piece offers some compelling reasons to hire a demolition service.  Project Impact Assessments The immediate benefit of hiring a demolition contractor is that they have the competence and skill required to conduct a project impact assessment. For example, if your property is too close to neighbouring structures, will the demolition works affect the structural integrity of these structures?

3 Questions To Ask Your Commercial Asbestos Contractor

A commercial asbestos contractor is your best bet at removing asbestos in your home or commercial building. This piece contains some questions to ask your asbestos contractor. With luck, they should help you find the best service providers in the market and increase your comprehension of the asbestos removal process.  1. What Type of Asbestos Is On The Property?   Your property could have different types of asbestos. Therefore, your contractor should conduct an asbestos survey to establish the extent of the asbestos contamination.

How Do You Choose the Perfect Type of Rainwater Harvesting Pump?

When making arrangements to install a rainwater harvesting system, you need to pay particular attention to the pumping mechanism. What are some of the crucial points to remember? First Things First A rainwater tank can be surface mounted or hidden underground. It may be placed adjacent to your property or situated quite a distance away, and all of these factors will need to be carefully considered before you buy the right pump.

Building A New Home? Why Choose Adjustable Steel Stumps

If you're building your own home, and it's time to choose the stumping, don't settle on wood or concrete. Instead, talk to your contractor about choosing adjustable steel stumps for your new home. If you're like many homeowners, you might think that wood or concrete are the best options for residential stumps, but that's not necessarily the case. In fact, steel stumps have become one of the best options for residential stumps, especially when you consider all of the benefits.

How Can You Custom Design Your Home with Older Age in Mind?

According to official government statistics, the population in Australia is ageing, which is essentially due to low fertility and the fact that people are living longer than ever. Many people want to maintain their independence as they approach their golden years but want to make sure that they can enjoy the quality of life in the place they intend to call home. This has led to many people designing a home from scratch with the idea of "

What to Do If You Find Asbestos in Your Home

Asbestos is a dangerous material that can cause serious health problems if you breathe in fibres that flake away from it. Due to its fire resistance and highly insulating nature, asbestos once was used heavily in the construction of homes and other buildings, long before its negative health effects came to light. If you live in an older home, it is possible that it contains asbestos. Read on to find out what you should do if you discover asbestos during a home renovation project.